Why Do We Age : Causes of Aging

Reasons As To Why Do We Age

In human beings, why do we age is a common curiosity. Aging is described as the process of becoming older especially to a number of mammals, human beings and fungi. The aging process is gradual, complex and it is dependent on several biological factors. A natural process can be brought to speed by lifetime external factors such as smoking, pollution and eating unhealthy foods.

why do we age

Causes of Why Do We Age

Biological factors

The shortening of telomeres

Telomeres act on why do we age. Telomeres protect the generic data and are located at the end of the chromosomes, and they make it possible for chromosomes to divide. Telomeres become shorter each time a cell divides and the cell become inactive when the telomeres becomes too short leading to cancer, aging or death.


This is when glucose builds up in the DNA, lipids and to proteins and fats making them sticky and they are unable to perform properly. As years get by there is build-up of glycation products that lead to the malfunction of tissues resulting to death or diseases.

Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress is an important reason of why do we age. Oxidative stress results from the damages caused by oxidants, to the body fats, proteins and DNA. Oxidants are highly reactive substances that contain oxygen. They get in to the body through inhaling air that contain oxygen and can result from exposure to toxins, inflammations, infections, smoking and consumption of alcohol.

Repetitive Cellular Reproductive Demand

Repetitive or widespread of cell damage calls for increased cell divisions for the repair of damaged cells. The increased number of cell reproduction results to occurrence of errors. The errors can cause production of tissue unable to function properly, limit of production up to a certain level and the availability of cancerous growth.

Read Also: 5 Most Common And Visible Physical Signs of Aging

Lifestyle Factors


When the body is not receiving the required amount of nutrients, it can result to the damage of cells as they fail to function, repair or reproduce. Cells need supply of vitamins, oxygen, amino acids, and the elimination of waste such as carbon dioxide.

Insufficient Sleep

Sleeping helps in the regeneration of the spine and allows the vascular system and the heart to rest. Sleeping enhances the secretion of the growth hormone and cortisol, which inhibit aging. During the day, the body experiences constant pull of gravity that compress the spine and makes the vascular system and the heart pump blood against its pull.

Excess Sexual Activity

For the males, sexual activity requires nutrients and energy for the sperm production. Excessive sexual activity results in the stimulation of larger than normal sperm production which leads to aging.

Poison intake

Poison intake has adverse effects on the growth and nutrition of the cells. Poisons to be avoided include preservatives, artificial flavors, caffeine, alcohol, damaged fish and mercury-amalgam dental fillings. This is because the cells through the blood and the cells that encounter the poison transport the poison their functions are deterred.

Improper Exercises

Improper or excessive exercising, results to the body breakdown. Proper stretching leads to toning and the strengthening of blood vessels, tendons, muscles, bones, organs, and acupuncture meridian. Aerobic exercises such as swimming, running, and bicycling are essential to the lungs, cardiovascular system, and weight stabilization. Resistance or weight training tones and increases the strength of the muscles, and adds density and mass to the bones.

High exposure to Radiation

Radiation damages cells and they play an important role in the aging process. Cells subjected to radiation fail in their functions or are generated in defective forms.



